Sunday, 26 August 2018


On Friday, the 13th of August, Room 18 held a huge market stall. The market stall was a massive success and everyone had a euphoric time. There was a wide range of fruits and vegetables as well as some hand knitted jumpers, hand sanitisers, love angels, beanies and some beautiful trees. In total, Room 18 managed to make a huge $291.75! Some of the money will go towards the school garden, some will go to Bali Children’s Hospital, some to Telethon and we are still deciding what to do with the rest. Everyone had a fantastic time selling and buying plants and working on their marketing skills. We hope that if you bought something to support everything, you had a great time.
- Dean

In the lead up to the Market and Plant Stall, we all made up the price tags for the plants. It was a lot of fun learning about the different varieties of trees and pricing them up ourselves.
We hope you loved the reading the tags if you purchased one of the trees.


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