Sunday, 25 February 2018


This term, we will be focusing on giving and following clear oral instructions. As part of our Speaking and Listening activities, students will give a short (5 min) “Talk to Teach” presentation. Your child will teach the class how to make something simple.  They will need to bring in the item they have already made, and then physically demonstrate and explain how to make a second one of the same item, showing each step of the process. 

Some ideas are as follows:
·    Teach a craft:  a card, mosaic, cartoon drawing, plasticine object, bead necklace, ‘Beado’ creation, easy ‘Lego’ creation, easy ‘KINEX’ creation, easy ‘MOBILO’ creation, very simple origami, cardboard box creation, egg-carton creation…etc.
·    Teach a simple cooking creation, eg. icing biscuits, making a funny face sandwich, a fruit kebab…
·       Teach a special talent you have.
·       Teach another language that you know.

It is important that the item being made is very simple so that your child will be confident to teach the class without the use of notes. We will discuss this in class beforehand.

This task is to be presented during Week 6 of this term.

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